Saturday, December 4, 2010

I'm still standing

Hmmm... December 4. Yeah. September, October, and November were good. I've been busy at the new job, which largely includes writing new papers, editing old papers, applying for my next job (seriously, that's considered an acceptable work activity), numerical modeling, and overseeing an undergraduate research project. I've also been enjoying having an American kitchen back, including an oven that has not once thrown a fireball at me. (On the flip side, I succeeded in giving myself chemical burns on my hands one night thanks to a misguided evening cooking with hot peppers. I can apparently do dumb stuff in any country.) Keating has been doing well also. He managed to find a full-time job shortly after arriving and has enjoyed spending time with his family here in Western NY. We're both thrilled to have our beastie back; Asher is asleep next to me, saving his energy to demand another early morning walk tomorrow (Keating gets up with the dog. I flail my arms and mutter gibberish.)

I still have stories to tell from Mexico, plus new adventures here in New York. On top of that, it's good for me to keep writing something that doesn't include 50-cent words like "phreatomagmatic." (Dad read that word in my most recently published paper and wanted to know if I made it up. Answer: nope.) That said, it's time to recommit myself to updating my blog. Here goes.


Anonymous said...

Glad you are back, I have missed reading your adventures. Will let the others know..Hugs Mom

Rujuta said...

Glad to have you back writing on this blog...we have missed it...You should put it all together and make a book out of it. I want to be the first one to buy an autographed copy, well may be after your OK, I will wait in line!! Love you... Anonymous