Thursday, January 21, 2010

The big buses

My love affair with the large buses here is officially over. I still have yet to have ridden in one, and they still look more spacious and comfortable than the buses I end up riding, but they have made me angry. One of them tried to run me over.

It shouldn't come as a surprise that being a pedestrian in Mexico City requires a little bit of dodging and a lot of looking both ways. I take for granted that at least one car/truck/bus will run every single red light, and so far I've had a 100% success rate for my predictions. My frustration was that the driver broke several laws in his attempt to hit me. Not only was he passing in a no-passing lane, he was outright driving in the oncoming traffic lane (kind of a big deal when you consider it was a one way street), and (even better!!!) running a red light that he had already stopped for. Not only did he piss me off, he also made the cars already going through the intersection pretty upset. I think there may have been some strange stretching in the fabric of the universe since no one actually collided with anything; the sum total of damage was some honking and a few really dirty looks. On the plus side, it really woke me up for the morning.

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