Friday, March 26, 2010

Why my job is worse than yours:

This is a follow-up to me gloating about having an awesome job. Now technically, the following complaint is not about my job, per se, but I think it's relevant.

Yesterday at a free department lunch (ok, that part was cool), one of the professors looked a little depressed. When questioned by his colleagues, he admit that he was bummed because his car had just been stolen from the parking lot. Someone had apparently tipped off the thieves that the security camera for that lot was down, and the security guard didn't notice anything to make him suspect that the car was being stolen when it drove out of the lot. Note: not only was the car in a guarded lot, it even had one of those theft-prevention devices on the steering wheel. Quietly, I asked my friend to my left if the professor had a thing for fancy cars -- it turns out that the guy drove a VW bug... of the "classic" (run-down) variety.

To make matters worse: this was the third time that that man had had his car stolen from the university lot.

You'd think that with a track record like that he'd learn to take the bus.

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