Thursday, February 4, 2010

How to get a job, Mexican style.

Before we moved down here, friends and family joked about how Keating would get a job in Mexico. The general consensus seemed to be that he should put on some old clothes and stand in front of a Mexican Home Depot, offering to do handyman jobs, or carry heavy stuff, for cash. (Yes, terribly un-PC. I know!)

About a week ago, Keating was playing chess with friends at the Spanish school when a woman walked up to him and whispered, "Do you want to teach English?" Keating figured this was an odd question, odder for how it was asked more than anything, but responded in the affirmative. The woman slipped him a paper with her email address and whispered something about not being allowed to recruit at the school (turns out she'd already been booted out once before), and then was gone. Keating came home that night bemused, but figured that he would contact the mystery email woman to find out more information. Long story short, Keating has a job! The mystery woman works for an English school that targets businesses, and they figured that the best place to quickly find native English speakers was at a place where people couldn't yet speak Spanish. Keating will be teaching on Monday evenings, starting February 15 (or March 1 since the business who has arranged for the course for its employees hasn't finalized all of the details yet).

While the Home Depot-style predictions didn't come true, I can't help but laugh over how sketchy the reality seems. Either way, huge congratulations to Keating!

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