Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentine's Day

Happy belated Valentine's Day! Keating and I had big plans for this year: we were going to go horseback riding in on of the monarch butterfly sanctuaries with another couple. On Friday, though, Monica and I made the Team Executive decision that butterflies are not nearly so much fun during a torrential downpour like the one predicted for Sunday, and that we should wait a week. As it turned out, the rain never actually arrived; Sunday was beautiful, sunny, and in the 70's (take that Buffalo snow!). Keating and I were sitting in our pajamas that morning trying to think of a new plan, when suddenly he was hit by inspiration: Baskin Robbins! I am on a more or less continual search for BR, home of the bestest ice cream ever (Jamoca Almond Fudge!!!!), but it has more or less eluded me for a few years. The ones in my part of Michigan all went out of business years and years ago. There was one on Niagara Falls Blvd in Buffalo for a while, but then the Dunkin Donuts it shared the building with expanded like an evil blob monster and took over the space. I don't even like doughnuts! Or coffee! How could they do this to me???? Keating, however, had spied a BR right here in Mexico City last week on that same fateful walk in which his shoes were force-polished. Even better: it was across a plaza from a McDonalds. We celebrated Valentine's Day this year with BR ice cream, Mc Donald's fries, and a split street-food cheeseburger. It was AWESOME! Best Valentine's Day ever.


Anonymous said...

Not to burst your bubble, but it hasn't been snowing much in Buffalo.....the mid-atlantic has been hit, but we've mostly had just a few inches here and there. The last bigger snow we had was when we were on vacation in Mexico--go figure! Anyways, I've been enjoying catching up on your adventures. Glad to here you're both doing well. Miss you both!

Anonymous said...

Ew I spelled "hear" as "here" in public. I blame it on everything being in Spanish....yeah...that's it....

Shazta said...

Aww...so much for my snow-induced schadenfreude. :( And today it's raining, anyway. Oh well. *grin* Thanks for the chuckle over "here" -- I hate it when I do that, too.